11.24.2024 -  
Join us at Noon for a wonderful meal of many soup, sandwich and pie flavors! Freewill offering will be taken for an area pastor in need.
02.20.2025 -  
Join us for the movie, HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD, with social time and great food to follow!
02.25.2025 -  
Come and eat!! Ham, potatoes, and much more! Come for a great time of visiting together.
Join in on prayer, with a focus on our kids and teens! Meeting in Prayer Room.
05.22.2025 -  
Join us for 3 days of great shopping! May 22-24. We are raising funds for Speed The Light, a youth group missions project.
Join us for prayer each Tuesday, 10am-2pm! Feel free to come and go as you please, join in with others in our Prayer Room, or pray alone in the sanctuary.
Come pray with us! All are invited to join Arlene in the Prayer Room before services each Sunday.
09.20.2025 -  
Our missions celebration is packed with fun, food, fellowship and amazing missionary speakers! Join us for as many events as possible, starting Saturday @ 9am through Sunday Noon!.
Bible Study @ 10:30am each Thursday is a great time of discussion and learning from God's Word! Open to all adults & teens.