
11.24.2024 -  
Join us at Noon for a wonderful meal of many soup, sandwich and pie flavors! Freewill offering will be taken for an area pastor in need.
02.20.2025 -  
Join us for the movie, HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD, with social time and great food to follow!
02.25.2025 -  
Come and eat!! Ham, potatoes, and much more! Come for a great time of visiting together.
Join in on prayer, with a focus on our kids and teens! Meeting in Prayer Room.
05.22.2025 -  
Join us for 3 days of great shopping! May 22-24. We are raising funds for Speed The Light, a youth group missions project.
Join us for prayer each Tuesday, 10am-2pm! Feel free to come and go as you please, join in with others in our Prayer Room, or pray alone in the sanctuary.
Every Friday Night @ 5:30 PM - Come for a fun night of competition!
Come pray with us! All are invited to join Arlene in the Prayer Room before services each Sunday.
09.20.2025 -  
Our missions celebration is packed with fun, food, fellowship and amazing missionary speakers! Join us for as many events as possible, starting Saturday @ 9am through Sunday Noon!.
Bible Study @ 10:30am each Thursday is a great time of discussion and learning from God's Word! Open to all adults & teens.